Understanding the Differences Between Hemp and Marijuana

A lot of people do not know the difference between hemp and marijuana.   There are those who will attempt to distinguish the two but rarely will the response be accurate. The demand for CBD is going up every single day and there is a thriving market for the product.   Even now, the number of those who are wondering when to use marijuana or hemp is still high.  In the Cannabaceae family there is a flowering plant known as cannabis which has three species namely sativa, indica and then ruderalis. Marijuana and hemp are not strains or species of cannabis as many people like to refer to them.   You should not be using the terms the way everyone else is doing even when they are wrong because it is more of a culture thing here!

Hemp refers to the cannabis varieties where the THC content is below 0.3%.   Hemp cultivation is for industrial use thanks to the fact that it does not make people intoxicated.  When man started cultivating it is believed that hemp was the first crop he planted because there is a lot of evidence pointing to that. It is used for many reasons including making housing material, paper, clothing, ropes, and even food.   Marijuana THC levels are 0.3% and above and this is why it causes psychotropic effects as well as euphoria.  Before in-depth details about marijuana were uncovered, it was simply referred to as cannabis.   Thus, it is evident that the THC level is a major factor used in distinguishing between hemp vs marijuana now.

 It would not be correct to say that the THC level is the only factor you need in order to distinguish between marijuana and hemp.  When you use just a single factor in determining the differences then the argument will be skewed.   People deserve to know everything about cannabis and when all they are being told is the intoxicating property or lack of thereof then this will not be right.  Because these products closely resemble each other, from just looking at them you may not know whether it is hemp or marijuana especially if you do not have a lot of information about them.  Just like there are similarities you will find that there are quite a number of distinguishing factors too. Both will still give you high amounts of CBD but in hemp, the THC content will not go past 0.3%.   On the other hand, the THC level in marijuana is usually high and some strains have been reported to have levels as high as 30% Because the purposes of these products are different, they are not cultivated in the same place most of the time.   The growth conditions have to vary.  In marijuana the focus is producing a lot of buds while in hemp it is the yield and size that matter. To know more details hemp, click here: https://www.encyclopedia.com/plants-and-animals/plants/plants/hemp.

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Various Ways in Which the CBD Can Be Helpful in Your Body

 CBD has any benefit to our health when it is used the right way, and those who have used it are more healthy and no problem of addiction to it.  It has concluded many researchers that when CBD is consumed the right way, it is a cure for chronic pain, and it also reduces anxiety.   Despite the adverse effects of marijuana such as lack of sleep and fatigue it can also be beneficial to your body if it is not misused.  The CBD contains dynamic content that has significant effects on the human being body.  Learn some of the advantages of using CBD in your body here.

One of the benefits of CBD is that it can be used to reduce the symptoms that are related to cancer and also the effects that are caused by cancer treatment.  The side effects mostly are such as feeling chronic pain and vomiting. The research has discovered that the CBD can also fight with the properties of cancer and can quickly eliminate them.   Many patients that have been using the CBD as part of their chemotherapy can stay free from the side effects that are caused by their chemotherapy process .

 CBD is also advantageous because it helps in decreasing depression and anxiety.  They are the most common problems that are affecting many people, and at times it gets hard for one to get over depression or anxiety. When people are treated using the CBD  oil from the CBD Origin they are able to recover quickly from these disorders. 

 Scientists have proven that the cannabis plant does not have any adverse effects on people suffering from depression and other mental related diseases. The CBD has been used to treat children who have suffered from anxiety and insomnia when they are suffering from the stress disorder.  It can also be used to treat animals the same way it is used to treat a human being.  Animal test for the treatment of anxiety with the CBD has proven that humans and animals are the same in reaction to the therapy.

 The CBD oil can reduce chronic pain. The body contains a system that is used to regulate things like sleep, appetite, immune system and also pain.   The order in our body with the help of CBD oil can finish any pain in our body.  The CBD plant is mostly known for its positive impact of curing illness.   If you are going through some physical pain it will be best if you the cannabis oil. To learn more about CBD, click here: https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/CBD_oil_Cannabidiol.

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Be Aware about the Advantages of CBD and Its Legality


Many of us are familiar with the oil that is used in the treatment of many symptoms but at the same time also facing some controversies, and this is called cannabidoil oil. It is claimed that this oil has many health benefits but still with confusions going around as to how it really affects our bodies. Is cbd legal? This is the question by many, and the answer to this is that it is legal but has to follow some very specific conditions.



Recently, the legality of CBD has becoming more defined, and so it is good to know some of the latest laws to enjoy the product. 


In the United States, as of this year 2019, the legality of CBD depends on the state and its federal laws, of which among the determining factor is the origin of CBD, whether it comes from hemp or marijuana. These two plants are very close in the plant family, but under the law, they are classified very differently, and the interpretation of this difference is very important in the legalization of CBD.


The different varieties of cannabis are under the description of hemp and marijuana, and know that both can abundantly produce CBD. 


Our human health, as claimed by professionals, would be benefited in the use of CBD, such as having a natural pain reliever and with its anti-inflammatory properties. Most people nowadays would prefer a more natural solution for pain relief, and this is where CBD oil is a better choice for them. According to research, CBD can provide better treatment to people suffering from chronic pain. 


In the case of individuals trying to stop smoking and are dealing with drug withdrawal, it is found that the use of CBD can be very helpful to them. Other advantages in the use of CBD are shown in the case of smokers who after inhaling CBD would smoke less and will not crave for cigarettes, and if they are addicted to opiods, they can be treated through CBD.


CBD can also help people with medical conditions such as epilepsy, LGA, Dravet syndrome, seizures and so on. The results of more studies done as to the effects of CBD in the human body are seen to be quite promising, and also being looked at are the possibility of combating cancer and the relief of several anxiety disorders. Learn more info. about CBD and its legality here.


As of 2019, the marijuana derived CBD is announced legal of the 47 states total. Be reminded though that there are specific requirements for a person to use this marijuana derived CBD, which could differ from state to state. Before you make your CBD purchase in any of these states, it is advisable that you consult a lawyer if necessary, or do some research to be aware of the laws in the particular state where you will buy your CBD. To know more about CBD, click here: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/marijuana-safer-than-alcohol-tobacco_n_6738572.

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How to Differentiate Marijuana from Hemp

You will get to see that cannabis has two broad classes and these are; marijuana and hemp. When you get to see the cannabis that has a concentration of 0.3 percent or less THC, then these are of the class hemp while those with more are for marijuana. Learn more from this article to know the differences between marijuana and hemp in details since this has always brought a lot of confusion among the people. Read more now about marijuana and hemp.

The first dissimilarity of hemp and marijuana is in their general composition. Both the marijuana and the hemp are known to be the main sources of CBD, but they are very different when it comes to the amount of THC present. That of hemp can go up to a maximum of 0.3 percent while marijuana has about 30 percent of the THC when it comes to the dry weight.

Based on the THC content that is present in marijuana and hemp, they are very different when it comes to legality. Marijuana is known to be very legal since it has very high levels of THC. Hemp, on the other hand, has been severally termed as illegal due to the low concentration of the THC content in it and only its products that have more than 0.3 percent THC are taken to be legal.

In terms of cultivation, it is easy to note the differences between hemp and marijuana. The reasons for planting these two are varied, and they are cultivated in different environments. Greenhouses are the best places where marijuana plants are cropped for higher yields as the atmospheric conditions in these areas is controlled. The atmosphere conditions will have to be controlled in a certain order to promote budding of flowers of the specific marijuana breed cropped. For higher produces, you will have to attend to the marijuana plants more for every growth stage they get to. Under natural surrounding conditions on the exteriors, hemp plant will perform better. This is because maximizing its yields will require that it’s left to grow and spread hence be larger.

The last disparity between hemp vs marijuana lays on the usability of the hemp, and the marijuana. The prevalent variations for using hemp and marijuana are pointed out to their differences in the chemical composites that build them. You will get high on consuming marijuana due to the high composition of THC. In several cases, marijuana is utilized for recreation although several research findings have proved its potential application for therapeutics. Hemp cultivation is aimed for varied purposes and the breeds planted are many. There are medicines and food commodities that are produced with the hemp. In addition, there are numerous industrial uses of the hemp inclusive of clothing, paper plastic, and building materials. To learn more about hemp and marijuana, click here: https://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/2017/01/16/8-things-you-should-really-know-about-hemp-seeds_a_21656124/.

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Factors to Consider When Buying CBD Online

People have come to learn the many benefits that come with using CBD.   It is as a result of this that the demand for CB has grown in the market.   On the other hand, there are now more companies in the market that have come to serve this growing demand of CBD users.  Now consumers have a lot of brands to choose from and the products are many.   It is even becoming a challenge to what you want especially as a new customer.  The following are some of the things that you need to know to safely buy CBD online at cbdorigin.com/.

First, there is the need to ensure that you look for products that have been tested by a 3rd party lab.   All you need is to ensure that you visit their website to see the lab results of the products after the test.  When you find that the lab reports are unavailable, there is a lot that you can think of.  For instance, the product may not have contained the amount of the stated cannabinoid.   The other thing that can come in mind is that the product is contaminated with harmful things.   The role of checking the report is to ensure that you are buying something safe for you to use.

 There is the need to also consider where the hemp was sourced.   The best CBD products are made by choosing the best quality for the hemp plant.   You need therefore to consider looking for those brands that have the best-cultivated hemp to ensure that you get the best products for you to use.  You need to look for the CBD brand that uses locally cultivated hem rather than the one that uses exports.   The cultivation practices for the hemp is important and it is best you ask of such information.   For the best products, there is the need to ensure that you go for the organically cultivated hemp products. Click here: http://cbdorigin.com/hemp-vs-marijuana/ to know more about buying CBD.

 It is important to know if CBD is legal in your state or not.  Different states have different legal standing on CBD and related products.  In many states, you will find that they allow the use of hemp-derived CBD while others have strict laws against it.  You need to, therefore, take your time t to learn the legal position of CBD in your state before making any purchases.

 There is the need to ensure that you look at the tips above before making a purchase for CBD products.   You will get the best product and will not be on the wrong side of the law. To learn more about CBD, click here: https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/julie-daniluk/hemp-seeds-health_a_23569711/.

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